Ecology & Evolutionary Biology


Biodiversity research around the world


Ecological Niche Modeling

We use ecological niche modeling to elucidate (1) the ecological factors limiting species distributions and (2) to predict species occurrences in geographic space. Avenues of active research include testing the viability of ecological niche models to determine community composition in difficult to survey areas, studying temporal dynamics of distributional shifts, and understanding how biotic and abiotic factors contribute to species turnover and community composition.

Species Ecology & General Information

We have contributed to several accounts for Birds of the World to help communicate information about the life history of different birds, and to collate existing scientific information. Publications have also included site surveys and general notes on species distributions, adding to our knowledge about where biodiversity is located. Furthermore, information about morphology and phenotype can be combined with ecological niche models and biogeographic knowledge to better understand regional evolutionary dynamics.



We study montane and lowland systems to understand how they do (or do not) promote diversification in different lineages. We genomic data, ecological niche models, field work to better understand where species are located and how populations in different isolated montane regions are related to one another.


Genomic data, morphological data, and phenotypic data are all used in concert to better understand species’ relationships and the evolutionary history of different regions. Most of this work is focusing on montane systems, where species ranges are fragmented by intervening low-elevation habitats. We have also used vocalizations and morphology to help inform on regional variation and population distributions.

General field biology

We are constantly trying to get in the field to see what we can find. Check out our significant sightings page to learn more!